Our Members

Dr. M.P Singh - National Coordinator

Dr. Lekh Raj - Project Coordinator

Shri Jay Shankar Gupta - Bihar State Coordinator

MR. Sahabuddin - Manipur State Coordinator

Mr. Piklu Roy- State coordinator Assam

Mr. Pramod kumar Panda - State Coordinator Odisa

Mr. PK Poddar - West Bengal State Coordinator

Mr. Ravi Kumar - Bihar State coordinator( Vocational courses)

Mr. Kangjam birendra Singh - Manipur Coordinator (Sports Wing)

Dr Prem Kumar - State Coordinator Kerala

Our Daily Thoughts

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? If it’s a negative thought, then you’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in thoughts of self-doubt or worry, especially when we are faced with challenges during the day. However, thoughts play a powerful role in our lives, and it’s important to start each day with positive thoughts.